Influence Publishers is the book publishing arm of Education Access and the sister company of Academic Influence and Intelligent Education.

Why publish with us?

We publish nonfiction books across a variety of categories with a focus on books that advance education. Our imprint, Erasmus Press, is for scholarly titles in philosophy, science, and religion.

When it comes to quality book publishing, experience matters.

We work with highly skilled editors who are experts in their field.

We work with professional book designers.

We work with you directly through every stage of the process.

About Hybrid Publishing

Our business model is a hybrid of the best practices of traditional publishing with higher royalties for authors who invest in the development and marketing of their book.

“Hybrid publishers behave just like traditional publishers in all respects, except when it comes to business model. Hybrid publishers use an author-subsidized business model, as opposed to financing all costs themselves, and in exchange return a higher-than-industry-standard share of sales proceeds to the author. In other words, a hybrid publisher makes income from a combination of publishing services and book sales.”

– Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA)
Hybrid Publishing Nashville TN
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