Environmental Science: An Explorer’s Guide


Forrest M. Mims III


File Size: 160 MB (532 pages)
eBook ISBN: 978-1-94519-552-5
eBook Price: $29.99

Category: SCIENCE / Environmental Science




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Illustrated with more than 800 photographs, charts, and graphics, this practical guide allows you to start with your curiosity and follow your questions to answers about the environment. The book is organized into units based on the five classical scientific elements of matter: Air, Earth, Fire, Space, and Water. With more than 1000 hyperlinks you may follow your curiosity beyond the book as well. And, with special callouts on positive and negative environmental impacts, you’ll be challenged to consider your own role in caring for and understanding the environment. Great for secondary or undergraduate classroom use or for following personal interests in caring for the environment.







FORREST M. MIMS III is the bestselling author of Getting Started in Electronics and Engineer’s Notebook, plus more than 1,500 columns and articles for Nature, Science, Scientific American, MAKE Magazine and many others. Mims is a Rolex Award laureate who has been assigned major scientific studies and projects by NOAA, the EPA, and NASA. Discover magazine named Mims one of the “50 Best Brains in Science“.


Forrest Mims has also taught two courses with the online education platform, Intelligent EducationHow to Do a Science Fair Project and Earth Science based on this book Environmental Science: An Explorer’s Guide.